Aug. 8, 2023

Food as Medicine: Healing Cancer and Nourishing the Body with Chris Wark

Sickness doesn’t wait for the “right time” to strike. It can show up when you least expect it but through determination, faith, and informed choices, we can overcome even the most challenging health battles.

Chris Wark, speaker and author of “Chris Beat Cancer”, received a life-altering diagnosis of stage three colon cancer at 26 years old and was immediately advised to undergo surgery. Instead of succumbing to fear and rushing into conventional treatment, Chris chose to confront his mortality and embark on a path of exploration, seeking alternative options and relying on the power of prayer for guidance. Chris emphasizes that food can serve as both medicine and poison and making the right food choices can greatly impact one's health and longevity. He shares his feelings on the fear-based decisions often made by cancer patients due to a lack of knowledge and encourages them to make decisions rooted in facts and faith rather than fear.

In this episode, Chris talks to Jen about his inspiring story of overcoming colon cancer through the power of food, dealing with a cancer diagnosis at 26 years old, and exploring alternative treatment options while focusing on faith over fear. 

Key Takeaways

  • [01:51] - Chris’ colon cancer journey.
  • [07:38] - Chris’ diet before cancer.
  • [15:45] - Converting to a raw food diet.
  • [22:04] - Chris’ first oncologist appointment after changing his diet.
  • [31:18] - When Chris realized he was at a turning point.


[02:21] - “There are far too many people in the United States who are suffering from chronic diseases that are largely due to our diet and lifestyle choices.” ~ Chris Wark

[12:48] - “I knew chemotherapy drugs were harsh and toxic and poisonous, and who wants to suffer? Not me!” ~ Chris Wark

[30:03] - “In my opinion, 90% of health is not the physical stuff. It’s the mental, emotional, and physical stuff.” ~ Chris Wark


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