The journey towards a healthier lifestyle often begins with simple yet impactful modifications to our daily eating habits. For many, the first step involves eliminating harmful substances and additives that may be causing discomfort or pain. This conscious decision to listen to one's body, discern what is causing distress, and make a change can be transformative. Recognizing the impact of making conscious dietary choices, many individuals are championing the commitment to providing healthy snacks that satiate our cravings and support our overall well-being.
In this episode, Jen talks with Aaron Gailmor, Founder and CEO (Chief Eats Officer) of Brass Roots, a snack food company whose plant-based products use organic sacha inchi seeds, nicknamed "the Incan peanut." Launched in 2019, Brass Roots has developed high-protein salty snacks for young parents that can feel good about sharing them with their kids. The company is focused on giving back to the local community through working with organizations that help empower youth.
Realizing sacha inchi's benefits, especially in cardiovascular and gut health, Aaron talks with Jen about his inspiration for founding Brass Roots, what people need to know about sacha inchi, and the product sacha inchi substitutes.
Key Takeaways
[08:15] - "We wanted to be that healthy snack food from New Orleans. We wanted people to recognize that we are here committing to the city, especially within the youth community, trying to help kids learn about nutrition, wellness, and entrepreneurship." ~ Aaron Gailmor
[21:08] - "The moment I realized I had Coeliac disease was a pretty big game changer. It's a moment of vulnerability." ~ Aaron Gailmor
[21:42] - "No message is stronger than that feeling when you stop eating what's causing you pain and feel the difference within a day." ~ Aaron Gailmor
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