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Best information
Terrific guests with very knowledgeable information

Very informative , great guests & content
Thank you for providing useful, easy to listen to content ::))

Jen is so fun to listen to. She is spreading important information that everyone should know or consider, and in a digestible way. I will always recommend this podcast and Instagram account to those who are curious

Information people should know
Big food monopolizes the food industry and this podcast is grassroots conversation of things that everyone needs to hear so that they understand what has happened to Americas food. Wake Up and Read The Labels is the Bible to clean eating.

So good
Learn so much from these and the guests are always entertaining!

Super informative
Jen’s pod is such a great resource for those wanting to learn more about eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle

I look forward to listening to the podcast each week. So informative.

Jen is AMAZIN!!!!
So happy to find this podcast! These podcasts are real and true and helpful. Wake up and read the labels is really my fave Instagram account and now my fave podcast! Again so happy to have this resource!!

Thank you so much!
Omg! I got sick to my stomach my first week of going clean and I stopped but I listen to one of the episodes and it helped me to understand what was going on! I will start back asap! I looooooove Jen and the information she provides!

AMAZING program!!
Wake up and read the labels has fundamentally changed my life! I have been searching and trying what I thought were healthy/clean diet products for YEARS! With simple swaps and continuing to eat the same foods/meals I love, I have never felt better-allergies GONE! No need for a daily antihistamine, or trouble with recurrent sinus infections, which is huge in south Louisiana. There is literally no better lifestyle or program out there!

Jen makes it easy to eat clean!
Love the podcast! Not everyone has to be a nutritionist to understand ingredient labels. Jen makes it so easy for everyone to eat clean and feel better. Most food brands have deceived consumers for too long.

Excited ✨
So excited for this podcast and all the information you’ll be sharing!! 100% believe in your saying of “if you don’t recognize an ingredient, neither does your body!”