Oct. 1, 2024

Turning Struggles into Strength: Overcoming Addiction and Finding Wellness with Hilary Phelps

In this episode, Jen talks with Hilary Phelps, a wellness coach, addiction recovery advocate, speaker, and facilitator who has transformed personal trials into a platform of empowerment and inspiration. Hilary is also the founder of The Right Room, a platform that empowers women to navigate significant life transitions like divorce, sobriety, and career changes, encouraging them to live authentically and pursue their passions.

Hilary shares her story of alcohol addiction and her recovery journey. She talks about her life and relationships, the turning point at which she decided to quit drinking, and how she is now an advocate for women's empowerment.

In this episode:

  • [03:35] - The impact of family success on recovery
  • [06:08] - Hillary's journey to sobriety
  • [11:00] - Early struggles and turning points
  • [18:35] - Hilary's turning point
  • [20:40] - Committing to rehab
  • [25:44] - The importance of self-reflection
  • [27:07] - From recovery to completing an Ironman
  • [31:52] - Empowering women


[18:13] - "That label of an alcoholic is so tough because only you can really diagnose yourself." ~ Hilary Phelp 

[23:10] - "I didn't know how to feel feelings because anytime I felt a feeling, I would drink over it." ~ Hilary Phelp

[26:03] - As women, we continuously say yes to things and put things on our plates. We start to lose who we are and the purpose of why we think we're here. So, if we keep saying yes to certain things, we say no to ourselves." ~ Hilary Phelp


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