Feb. 21, 2023

Vetting Your Vitamins with Lauren Trostorff

The supplement industry is worth billions of dollars, yet 92% of Americans are deficient in one or more vitamins and minerals. At the top of that list are magnesium, vitamin D, and 


Lauren Trostorff, Founder of Vibrant Market, was conscious about nutrition and clean beauty when it was just an underground and mostly cultural practice. At 19 years old, she paid attention to the foods she ate and used only the best dermatologist-recommended skin care products. Lauren was always the go-to friend who could recommend the latest products and treatments in clean beauty. She carried this devotion into her business, where she stocks a carefully vetted list of clean beauty products and supplements. Before a product can sit on Vibrant Market’s shelf, Lauren tests them on her own skin, shares them with friends, and researches each ingredient and founder story. 

In this episode, Lauren talks to Jen about the impact of biohacking and functional medicine, the importance of vetting supplements before taking them, and how mindfulness meditation is changing her life.

Key Takeaways

  • [02:27] - Lauren explains the top vitamins people are deficient in.
  • [03:58] - Lauren’s experiences with people who are healthy but don’t feel that way.
  • [06:16] - Lauren’s background.
  • [09:55] - How Vibrant selects the products they sell.
  • [12:10] - Lauren’s banned ingredients.
  • [15:26] - Lauren explains good and bad vitamins.
  • [21:21] - Lauren’s recommended supplements for women.
  • [25:00] - Lauren’s Wake Up moment.


[04:52] - “A lot of these normal ranges are based on the population, which is an unhealthy deficient population.” ~ Lauren Trostorff

[07:10] - “One day, I realized if I’m so intent about what I put in my body, why am I paying so much money to put a bunch of crap on and therefore in my body.” ~ Lauren Trostorff

[17:32] - “If you’re just taking supplements and you’re not looking at the root cause of whatever you might be feeling or experiencing, there might be some reason in your body that you cannot absorb these supplements correctly.” ~  Lauren Trostorff


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